Tuesday, September 25, 2012

She's on the move!

Sarabeth has started rolling over today! She is growing up so fast! Sometimes she feels so tiny-- today when I saw her rolling over, she didn't seem so small! I just want to soak all of her in- love her more than I can express!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sarabeth's 4 months

I can hardly believe our little one is 4 months old! Time flies with 2 little ones! She is such a sweet girl! She loves to play with her feet. Audrey likes to say she's eating her feet- and it for sure looks that way :) She loves to watch Audrey play and is always full of smiles when she's around. Audrey is a fantastic big sister. She has such a servants heart. Chris and I can't wait to see her grow (and also want her to slow down at the same time) Sarabeth is still nursing- hopefully, a bottle is in our close future! She loves to be held and to see everything around her! She had a touch of colic- but I believe we are turning the corner with that (PTL) she is still waking some at night and are going to try the cry it out method. I have tried a few different ways with little results- hopefully this will help!! She loves her sleep- she just wants mom right by her side as she sleeps!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Chris started a new job this past Monday and was in Dallas, TX for the week. Travel hasn't ever been a factor in our careers until now. I'm thankful for this new position- but we miss him for sure. Hopefully I will get used to it as time goes on. While he's gone I've had a little of free time to work on crafting (thanks mainly to pinterest) A few short months ago I had never used a sewing machine and pretty much had never bought fabric or anything else from Michael's or the craft section of Walmart-- now these places have become dangerous to me! I've been having such a great time making dresses, bags, blankets, crayon holders, diaper clutches, burp cloths and now headbands! There is something awesome about working with your hands to make something. It's like it uses a totally different part of your brain or something. Thankfully, God has blessed me with two beautiful girls to test all of my crafts on :) I'm looking forward to improving as I practice more and more. Mom always made my Easter dresses as a little girl- while I'm a far cry from that I'm happy to be starting somewhere! Here are a few pictures of items I've made

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall is in the air!

As August draws to a close-- I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by! It has been such a fun summer. Audrey has become so brave in the swimming pool! She wears her float and just makes her way around the water! Hard to believe! Still shy of putting her face in- but hopefully lessons will help that along. She is 28 months old tomorrow! Growing way to quickly in front of our eyes. Her vocabulary is out of this world. Today she brought me her Elmo cd player- told me it needed batteries and that she needed a screw driver to change them!! Then at bed time- she flys into the living room from her room and jumps on the couch because she needed to watch baseball before bed! She is a hoot! (of course that excuse didn't work tonight) She always says "Oh Dear" when you have to talk to her, if she drops something... Her elbow is called her Elmo and she loves "pop"....corn. She only really gets upset with SB when she won't hold her hand in the cars seats and most of the time loves her and is a big help. We started potty training July 1st and she has done a fantastic job! I was nervous to start- but am do glad I did! I'm proud of the big girl she is becoming. Her hugs are big but her heart is even larger.

Sarabeth is fitting in well with us :) She is quite different than Audrey was at 3 months old. She likes to have you with her, holding her, talking to her, kissing her all the time. She is a snuggle bug for sure. We feel so blessed now--- but she will be the one crawling in our bed at 3 am when she can't sleep. (audrey prefers her own bed and space to sleep) I already can't imagine my life without her beautiful smile. God had been so incredible good to us!

I am looking forward to the start of fall- football and pumpkin spice are just around the corner!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to the world

Just a little over one month ago we welcomed Sarabeth Elaine Marcus into the world. She was born at 4:45pm on Wednesday- weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and just over 20 inches long. It was love at first sight. I have to be honest, having Audrey- at times before Sarabeth was born- I wondered if I would be able to love two as much as I loved Audrey. I quickly found out that your heart has more room in it that we are even able to understand. From the moment I first saw her I felt love like no other type of love. I was in "labor" for just at 24 hours-- BUT, I only had to push for 5 minuets and did not feel a thing! I guess I was on some good meds :) All of our parents were there to meet her right after her arrival. She is already so loved.

Chris and I enjoyed our time at Northside- but were so ready to go home and start our lives as a family of 4! This time around we did take advantage of the nursery one night while we were there. We welcomed friends and family. Judy  and Emily were keeping Audrey for us at our house. They brought her down on Thursday to see us and meet Sarabeth. I am pretty sure it was love at first sight for her as well. After hearing so many stories- I was nervous to see how this would pan out with Audrey sharing the spotlight. I am so delighted to say that Audrey ADORES Sarabeth. She thinks that she is her baby. She will rock her, give her the pacifier, tell her "It's okay Sarabeth" each time she cries. She is a better big sister than I could have ever dreamed of. Her sweet and whimsical spirit is contagious. We were happy to make our way home on Friday- we asked for the earliest departure time and ended up leaving at 6am! Many thanks to our night nurse, who thought we were a little crazy for wanting to head home so soon.

And so here we are- one month of being parents to two adorable girls and making many needed adjustments. I have learned to entertain a 2 year old- thanks to Pinterest and all of the adorable ideas on there. We normally do a craft or activity in the morning to kick start the day. Audrey loves it and learns through play. I feel to blessed to be here and able to see her learning more and more each day. She is just such a sponge.

When Sarabeth was 10 days old a family friend took some fantastic pictures of our little one. She was able to get a few with Audrey- but, Audrey was not feeling the camera this particular afternoon. Oh well, we got a few good ones and there is always next time! Here are some of those pictures as well as just a few Chris and I have taken!